Presentations of Magical Revelations™ in 2009 

January 16, 2009: Vocations Program for  SPARKS (grades 5 & 6)
6:30 PM, 2935 Kingston Road
St. Joseph Parish, York, PA

January 25, 2009: A Taste of Magical Revelations
3 PM: Historic St. Mary's Servants of God Volunteer Recognition Party
Southern Market Center, Lancaster, PA

February 1,  2009: A Taste of Magical Revelations
Morning Program: 1st Reconciliation Class
St. Mary's, Lancaster, PA

March 29,  2009: A Taste of Magical Revelations
Morning Program: 1st Communion Class
St. Mary's, Lancaster, PA

May 24, 2009:  Variety Program: A taste of Magical Revelations
7 PM: Alpha Club
701 N. Lime Street
St. Andrew United Church of Christ, Lancaster, PA

May 12, 2009: St. Joseph Annual Mother Daughter Banquet
Sponsored by St. Joseph's Women Club
Following Dinner, In the Parish Hall
 440 St. Joseph Street
St. Joseph Church, Lancaster, PA

June 27,  2009:  Magical Revelations: Street Magic
11 AM  - 6 PM: Music Fest
Musser Park, Lancaster, PA

July 7,  2009:  Magical Revelations: Creation and this Awesome World
2 PM: Camp Schreiber
1850 Marietta Ave.
Church of the Apostles, Lancaster, PA

July 15,  2009:  Magical Revelations: Creation and this Awesome World
2 PM: Behavior Health Camp
1850 William Penn Way Suite 202
Team Care, Lancaster, PA

August 11  2009:  Evening Picnic at The Glen with the Magic of Four Magicians 
5 PM: Close up and Strolling; 6 PM: Stand up show. 
675 Willow Valley Square, Lancaster, PA

October 4, 2009:  Chill on the Hill: Keynote Speaker, A taste of Magical Revelations
6 PM: St. Mary's Youth Group with Youth from Deanery
119 S. Prince Street
St. St. Mary's Church, Lancaster, PA

November 22,  2009:  Crusaders Catholic Midget Football Association Banquet
7PM: Magical Revelations Program after Dinner
Palm Court at Willow Valley Resort
2416 Willow Street Pike, Lancaster PA

December 4,  2009:  Holiday Meeting: Centerville Chapter of the AARP
12 PM: Lunch and Meeting followed by Magical Revelations Program
The Courtyard at the Eden Resort
222 Eden Road, Lancaster PA