Presentations of Magical Revelations™ in 2013 

 Video Clip:  WGAL Story, "Local Priest Turns To Magic to Spread Word"

February 10, 2013: A Taste of Magical Revelations
3 PM: Historic St. Mary's Stewardship Appreciation Dinner/Party
St. Mary's Gym, 32 W. Vine Street, Lancaster, PA

April 7, 2013: A Taste of Magical Revelations
Morning Program: 1st Communion Class and Parents
St. Mary's, Lancaster, PA

May 14,  2013: A Taste of Magical Revelations
Morning Program: Mother's Group
St. Mary's, Lancaster, PA

May 31, 2013: School Program K-8th
Blue Gold Day: Afternoon  Program
St. Joan of Arc School, Hershey, PA

June 17, 2013: A Taste of Magical Revelations
9 AM: Water Street Ministries' Women's Program
210 S. Prince Street, Lancaster, PA

June 24, 2013: A Taste of Magical Revelations
8 AM: Water Street Ministries' Men's Program
210 S. Prince Street, Lancaster, PA

July 3, 2013: Bible School Program
5:30 PM Dinner followed by 6 PM Magical Revelations
Evangelical United Methodist Church
157 East Water Street, Middletown, PA

September 21, 2013: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton's Apple Festival
1 PM Magical Revelations Program
 310 Hertzler Road
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, Mechanicsburg, PA

October 2, 2013: Wednesday Nights Alive: Intergenerational Program
6:30 PM: Magical Revelations Program following a Buffet Dinner
Lititz Church of the Brethren: Family Life Center
300 West Orange Street, Lititz PA 

December 19, 2013: School Program K-8th
Magical Revelations: Afternoon  Program
Sacred Heart of Jesus  School, Lancaster, PA